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EzWay™ Mouse Tail Direct PCR Kit 사용법
페이지 정보
EzWay™ Mouse Tail Direct PCR Kit is designed to enable DNA amplification directly from mouse tail without DNA extraction. Just cut the mouse tail and incubate it in the lysis buffer provided in the kit for 10 minutes and then use 1ul of lysate for PCR. It doesn't require overnight incubation or Proteinase K (PK) treatment as well as DNA purification process. Direct Hot Taq PCR MasterMix in this kit is a convenient mixture of Taq enzyme, dNTP, MgCl2, dye, additives and Direct PCR Buffer, so you can just add the tail lysate and primers, and then go for PCR. This kit will save your enormous amounts of material, cost and time from conventional genotyping methods. Also, it reduces risk of handling errors and contamination.
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단백질전기영동 & Precast Gel, 사이토카인 ELISA kit & 분석서비스, Direct PCRCOMPANY INFO
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T : 02-6245-5500F : 02-6248-8800E : support@labiskoma.co.kr2025 © LABIS KOMA. All Rights Reserved. - 전기영동